5 Reasons to get up close & personal with tea this Valentine’s Day


So, it must be obvious to everyone by now that tea is the key to our hearts.

But as we approach Valentine’s Day, what can tea do to boost your love life?

We’ve put the kettle on, done the research (so many cups of tea!) and picked our top 5 reasons to get up close & personal with tea this Valentine’s Day…

1. Avoid a break out with Rooibos

If you have a hot date planned, the last thing you want is to break out in spots! While there are many factors that can reduce this possibility (balanced diet, healthy lifestyle, regular sleeping patterns to name a few) Rooibos is said to have an effect also. Rooibos, or Red Bush, is in fact a caffeine-free herb native to South Africa and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Among its many benefits, the presence of zinc in rooibos is useful for killing off the bacteria that can cause acne. Zinc in your diet can apparently also help correct the hormonal imbalance that is a trigger of acne.

If you are looking for ways to help reduce the severity of acne breakouts, the anti-inflammatory properties of rooibos could have a calming effect too.

According to progressivehealth.com, Japanese researchers have presented results concluding that ‘brewing rooibos tea for more than 10 minutes, instead of the regular duration of 5 minutes, provides the greatest benefit of the tea for acne sufferers.’

We find the sweetness of the blueberries in our Blueberry Rooibos is an enjoyable way to enjoy this tea.

eteaket Blueberry Rooibos Loose Leaf Herbal Tea

2. Help the sniffles with Perfect Peppermint

Of course another thing we want to avoid on the run up to a date is a snotty nose – not particularly attractive! While it is hard to completely avoid catching the common cold, there are ways to alleviate the symptoms.

Research shows that a hot cup of tea can help reduce congestion and work towards relieving a cough, sneezing and sore throat as well as perk you up a bit. The menthol properties present in Peppermint can further help. While a little unpleasant, this can be useful in breaking up and clearing mucus from throat & stuffed noses.

Try our Perfect Peppermint the next time you feel a sniffle coming on.

3. Get in the zone with Chilli Rooibos

As you are getting yourself psyched up for a date, there is an ingredient in chilli peppers which is said to give you a natural high. Capsaicin is an active component of chilli peppers which is responsible for the heat. It is the capsaicin which promotes the release of chemicals thought to increase heart rate and trigger the release of endorphins, which is said to give you a natural high.

We have carefully balanced our Chilli Rooibos with naturally sweet cherry to ensure you get the heat, without blowing your head off!

4. Stop bad breath with black tea

So, you are at the end of your hot date and you haven’t brushed your teeth all evening – time to panic? If you suffer from bad breath, this may be a self-conscious moment for you, but did you know that drinking black tea could help? Bad breath may be caused by a build up of plaque. Apparently powerful polyphenols, which black tea is reportedly full of, can help stop plaque from sticking to your teeth. Some studies also show that polyphenols can also help destroy the growth of bacteria in the mouth which can lead to bad breath & tooth decay. Of course, you might want to cut out sugar from your tea too.

Try our Valentine’s blend 3 Minute Stand for an indulgent black tea.

eteaket Limited Edition 3 Minute Stand Valentines Tea

5. Mend your broken heart??

And, finally, if things don’t go to plan, while there is no tea known to cure a broken heart, properties found in Gyokuro have been known to treat many ailments including medical heart problems. Yes, this green tea is still used by practitioners of traditional Asian medicine for it’s many health benefits!

Gyokuro is a green tea who’s bushes are covered in the 20 days prior to picking. This process results in a tea which is high in minerals, rich flavor, sweet and full-bodied.

Loose Leaf Gyokuro Green Tea


Of course all these teas are too good just to save for Valentine’s Day, and with the numerous benefits that could be gained from them we say, get the kettle on! If you know any other tea tips that could help us out on the big day please let us know.