Back to Uni Essentials – What’s in my (tea) bag?


10 Essentials to help you back to Uni:

I remember my first day at University like it was yesterday. The first thing my mum made sure I had in my dorm room was a kettle and a pack of green tea. I was the only one of my friends to have a kettle in my bedroom which meant it was often a hub for late night study sessions or Netflix marathons. I promise you, tea can take you places! Whether it’s your first day at university or you are a seasoned professional, there are a bunch of necessities you need in your (tea) bag to get you through. Read our list of 10 things that can give you a boost/help you relax after a hard day hitting the books:

  1. eteaket Instant Human, Just add Tea mug – really this speaks for itself, or rather it will speak for you in the morning until you get that first cup of tea in you and, well, feel human again.
  2. eteaket loose leaf Breakfast Blend – kick-start your morning with the perfect brew!
  3. Keep Cup – an essential to take with you for those early morning lectures. And when you need a refill most cafes now offer a discount when you use your own cup for take-away – I know eteaket’s Tea Room does. Pick your Keep Cup up from eteaket Concept Store or Tea Room eteaket Keep Cup
  4. eteaket Instant Human, Just Add Tea notebook – whether you are a keen note-taker in class or like to have note paper to hand when someone gives you their phone number, this slim notebook is handy to keep on you.
  5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right gran?
  6. BusyB diary – a dairy/planner is an essential. Effortlessly write in your to-do lists, put in deadlines and draw love hearts around the dates when you get to go home. If you always have your trusty planner in your bag, you can quickly check if you are free next Monday night!
  7. Paper Tea Filters – we all have great intentions of rinsing out reusable infusers, but sometimes the convenience of a paper filter when you are already late for class is a lifesaver. I mean, you can’t skip your morning cuppa just because the sink is full of dishes!
  8. Brew Toon Lemon Libertea Citrus Pale Ale – OK, we are a little biased, but we happen to LOVE what comes out of Brew Toon distillery, especially when they use eteaket tea in the mix. Perhaps wait until after class to pop this one – and remember your handy key-ring bottle opener!
  9. eteaket Blooming Marvellous teabags – Whether you are at the library late at night, having some time to yourself or trying to bribe your lecturer into giving you an extension, Blooming Marvellous is a must have. Sencha green tea blended with bright mallow and sunflower petals, exquisite rosebuds, sweet vanilla and fresh tangy fruit. What is not to love?  eteaket Blooming Marvellous green tea
  10. Coco Chocolatier Bollywood Dreams Chai chocolate – Coco is an artisan chocolatier making small batch chocolate in Edinburgh and they have worked wonders with our Bollywood Dreams Chai tea, producing a luxurious, spiced chocolate – we are so proud of this collaboration! Oh, and chocolate goes hand-in-hand with late night study sessions, obv. Pick up yours from our Concept Store or Tea Roombut hurry, before we eat them all!

eteaket Tea Bag Tote Back to Uni

And of course it all fits nicely in my eteaket Tea-Bag Tote – so handy for any Uni adventure, and goes with every outfit 😉