We’re very excited about our next book group meeting on Wed 8 Feb. Please come and join us if you can – don’t worry if you’ve not had time to read the book!
We’ve managed to arrange for bestselling Edinburgh author Sara Sheridan to come along to chat about her new book Secret of the Sands. The meeting is on Wed 8 Feb from 5.30pm to 7pm but from then on we’ll meet on the 1st Wed of every other month!
Here’s a wee summary of the book: “Set against the backdrop of the British abolition of the Slave Trade in 1833 Secret of the Sands is based on the travels of Indian Navy Lieutenant, James Raymond Wellsted, who crossed the Arabian Peninsula. Wellsted was a celebrity in his day – particularly noted for being open-minded. A precursor of Burton, Lawrence and Thesiger, the auther wanted to evoke the danger this dashing naval officer faced, both from his native travelling companions and the hostile terrain. Of course, the story would not have been complete without the character of Zena, the Abyssinian slave girl with whom he falls hopelessly in love.”
It should be a fun meeting with plenty of tea and nibbles. We really hope you can make it (and if you know anyone who may be interested please spread the word). p.s. and yes it’s a free event! xx