Learn how to make Cheese Tea (video)

Learn how to make Cheese Tea (video)

Learn how to make Cheese Tea with eteaket: what is cheese tea and what’s the secret recipe for this new drink trend?

Watch our ‘How to’ Video to learn how to make Cheese Tea >>watch video<<

To find out what Cheese Tea is all about read our previous blog post >>here<<


Mixing bowl | fork or whisk | soft cream cheese | condensed milk | double cream | sea salt | tea (Strawberries & Cream Fruit Infusion) | optional flowers to garnish


  • Add equal quantities of soft cream cheese & condensed milk. Whisk until the ingredients are combined.
  • In a separate bowl, add twice as much double cream as was needed of cream cheese & a twist of salt. Whisk until fluffy.
  • Combine all ingredients and whisk some more.
  • You could use lots of different tea as the base. We like our Strawberries & Cream Fruit Infusion. Ideally, cold brew the tea in advance (simply add 2 tsps of tea per 500ml cold water and leave for min. 3 hours before straining and chilling).
  • With the cold tea in your cup/glass, spoon your cream cheese mix on top. It should sit on top of the tea rather than sinking to the bottom.
  • Garnish with tea leaves of flowers to make it extra pretty.

Cheese tea works great hot or cold & we love it with herb & fruit infusions. Take a look at our >>website<< for all your tea inspiration and please share your creations on social @eteaket #eteaketmoment.

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