We are thrilled to be supporting the Scottish Library and Information Council in their Keep the Heid and Read Campaign to pledge SIX minutes on Wednesday 11th May 2022 and devote it to reading with our Keep the Heid Tea! Be sure to pick up a sample in selected libraries across Scotland from 9th May and take a moment to pause and rebalance with a good book and a cuppa!
Welcome to Scotland’s Reading Moment 2022!
To celebrate the power of reading, libraries and good mental health, you are being asked to pledge SIX minutes on Wednesday 11th May 2022 and devote it to reading.
Why? Because taking some time for yourself to relax and do things you enjoy like reading is important to help look after your mental health and wellbeing.
It has been scientifically proven that reading for just SIX minutes a day boosts your mental health by 68%.
The Reading Moment is a public libraries initiative, in partnership with mental health charities, publishers, booksellers, authors and others.
So what are you waiting for? Take the pledge and see how many minutes people all over Scotland will be reading for on 11th May 2022.
- Keep the Heid www.Keeptheheid.scot
Keep the Heid & Thrive in 3
We created our Keep The Heid tea blend in collaboration with Scottish Water during lockdown as a catalyst for a conversation to re-ignite the energy of Scotland by bringing us together. It’s an exceptional blend of Assam & Darjeeling, sprinkled with heather & delicate meadowsweet. The addition of the traditionally Scottish herbs, heather & meadowsweet, are very subtle in taste. They add a special note to this brew which gives it a distinctive Scottish twist and unique flavour profile. The rich, intriguing flavours of this blend really come alive in the softness of Scottish tap water.
We’re donating 10% of our retail sales of Keep The Heid to the charity ‘Health In Mind’ to help them to promote positive mental health & wellbeing.
Keep the Heid is the perfect blend for a much needed moment each day, to re-energise and rebalance with a determined strength. So, while you’re waiting for your cuppa to brew pic up a book and take part in the Reading Moment and boost your mental wellbeing at the same time! >>Pledge now here<<