Tea Infused Recipes for Pancake Day


Happy Pancake Day!

Up your pancake game this year with these awesome tea infused pancake recipes. The gorgeous green stack is infused with our Ceremonial Matcha, the light and fluffy texture is enhanced by the fresh fruity flavour of the Matcha, that balances perfectly with the vanilla. An extra topping of yogurt and a drizzle of honey really make it such a treat.

The double infusion is a winner for Royal Earl Grey fans, we’ve infused the tea straight into the milk releasing all those fragrant bergamot flavours that are a great accompaniment to fresh blueberries. The tea-based coulis gives much more complex flavours than your usual syrups!


Matcha, Honey & Vanilla Pancakes


  • 2 heaped teaspoons of eteaket Ceremonial or Kombu Matcha
  • 135g Self Raising Flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 130ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of room temp butter
  • Yogurt & Honey to dollop on top!


  • Sieve the Matcha, self-raising flour, baking powder and sugar into a mixing bowl.
  • Beat the egg and whisk in the butter, milk, and vanilla extract.
  • Pour the wet ingredients into the flour mixture and whisk until the batter is smooth.
  • On a low heat, place a little butter or your preferred cooking oil into a non-stick pan.
  • Ladle in your pancake batter keeping the heat low-medium, once lots of small bubbles form on the top flip your pancake.
  • Once the pancake has risen and both sides have browned take it out and start to stack!
  • Repeat until you use up the batter,
  • Once your pancakes are piled high, dollop on your favourite yogurt and drizzle on honey.


Royal Earl Grey Pancakes with Earl Grey & Blueberry Coulis



  • 1 tablespoon of eteaket Royal Earl Grey
  • 135g Self Raising Flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 130ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of room temp butter
  • 75g Blueberries


  • 150g Caster Sugar
  • 150ml strong infusion of Earl Grey Tea
  • 75g Blueberries



  • Combine the milk and Royal Earl Grey, on a low heat simmer for 2 minutes to release the flavour, strain then set aside to cool.
  • To make the coulis make a strong Royal Earl Grey tea infusion; brew for 3-5 minutes and strain straight into a small pot, add in the blueberries and sugar, stir, and leave to simmer.
  • Sieve the self-raising flour, baking powder and sugar into a mixing bowl.
  • Beat the egg and whisk in the butter, cooled milk infusion.
  • Pour the wet ingredients into the flour mixture and whisk until the batter is smooth, fold in the blueberries.
  • On a low heat, place a little butter or your preferred cooking oil into a non-stick pan.
  • Ladle in your pancake batter keeping the heat low-medium, once lots of small bubbles form on the top flip your pancake.
  • Once the pancake has risen and both sides have browned take it out and start to stack!
  • Repeat until your batter is used up and you have a lovely pile of pancakes, dollop on some yogurt.
  • The coulis should by now have a thick syrup consistency: spoon over the top of your pancake stack and serve.