Should you make the switch from coffee to matcha?


Should you make the switch from coffee to matcha?

In a world buzzing with caffeine lovers, the debate between coffee and a morning matcha continues to brew. For years, coffee has been the go-to elixir for many seeking a morning jolt or an afternoon pick-me-up. However, there’s a green contender in town – matcha. Packed with antioxidants and boasting a unique flavour profile, matcha is gaining popularity as the healthier and more sustainable choice. Let’s explore why you should consider making the switch from coffee to matcha.


Sustained Energy without the Jitters

Coffee is renowned for its quick energy boost, often accompanied by the jitters and a subsequent crash. Matcha, on the other hand, contains a moderate amount of caffeine along with L-theanine, an amino acid known for promoting relaxation. This combination provides a smoother, more sustained energy release without the rollercoaster ride of coffee-induced highs and lows.

Antioxidant Powerhouse

According to many studies Matcha takes the lead when it comes to antioxidants. The green tea leaves used to make matcha are shade-grown, resulting in higher levels of chlorophyll and antioxidants, especially catechins. These compounds have been linked through lots of science backed research to have various health benefits, including improved heart health and potentially a boosted immune system.

Calming Effect on the Mind

The L-theanine in matcha not only helps with energy levels but also induces a state of calmness and improved focus. This unique combination of caffeine and L-theanine promotes alertness without the restlessness that coffee can sometimes cause. It’s the ideal solution for those seeking mental clarity without the jitters.

Gentler on the Digestive System

With gut health a keen topic more of us are paying attention to how foods are impacting our digestive health. Coffee can be harsh on some individuals’ digestive systems, leading to acidity and discomfort. Matcha, with its low acidity levels, tends to be gentler on the stomach. If you’ve experienced digestive issues with coffee or acidic foods, making the switch to matcha might offer relief without compromising on an energy boost. Moreover, the digestion of the leaf material and the gradual release of its components, including caffeine, occurs over a longer period in the digestive system. This contrasts with coffee, where the brewing process extracts compounds quickly, leading to a more rapid absorption of caffeine in the stomach.

 Variety in Flavour and Preparation

Matcha comes in a powder form; its flavour is arguably more versatile than coffee as it’s not as dominating when mixed. The offering of such a versatile ingredient for various culinary creations beyond just beverages. Try Matcha mixed with apple or OJ or morning smoothies and home-made juices.

Less Dependency on Sweeteners

Matcha has a naturally sweet and earthy flavour, and many people find that they need less or no added sugar when compared to coffee. This can be advantageous for those looking to reduce their sugar intake or control their calorie consumption.

Lower Risk of Dehydration

While both coffee and matcha contain water, the diuretic effect of caffeine in coffee may contribute to dehydration. Matcha, with its lower caffeine content and the presence of L-theanine, is less likely to cause excessive fluid loss, making it a hydrating option.

Matcha is win-win!

For us, it’s clear that the vibrant green tea is the winner in the matcha v coffee debate especially for for those looking to elevate their daily morning brew & imbibe more nutrients. With its myriad of health benefits, sustained energy release, and unique flavour profile, matcha offers a refreshing alternative to the traditional coffee ritual. So, the next time you reach for that coffee mug, consider making the switch to matcha – your body and mind might just thank you for it.