Sustainabilitea : Taking Care of Our Planet

Our packaging is created with care to ensure we do our part to look after nature's wonders.

  • Our  retail cartons won a Silver in the  Sustainable Design category at the world renowned Penatawards. 
  • Our loose leaf & tea bag cartons are 100% plastic free; they are crafted from recyclable cardboard and the inner bag, although it looks like plastic, is actually a material called Natureflex, which is a biodegradable film created using wood pulp.
  • The sustainability focused novel construction design vastly reduces the use of production materials - including aluminium plates and off cuts. Our manufacturer estimated our design saved 75 square meters of aluminium in production - making a massive positive reduction in manufacture materials.
  • This is because only 6 full cartons were printed instead of the 52+ that would have been needed to accommodate all tea offerings. This is achieved by our unique innovative box design, allowing sleeves to slide and lock securely in place. This allows for small manufacture runs and no overstock. Moreover, it provides a solution to a fully finished, consistent, professionally presented product with sustainability at its core.
  • The carton is made with FSC certified card stock and is fully recyclable - the inner packet which holds the tea is a biofilm called Natureflex and this is home compostable.
  • The carton design is also secure and durable, allowing easy construction, efficiency and consistency in the warehouse minimising storage space or damage, shipping safely to retail and wholesale worldwide.
  • The manufacture of the packaging as well as our warehouse are located in Scotland, where the tea is hand-packed. Local production to reduce environmental impact was also important.
  • Our 20g & 100g metal tins are designed to be reused again and again, and you can decant your leaf tea straight in.
  • We are committed to removing the very last of the plastic from our tea range. We regularly scour the market for a fully sustainable bag for our 250g loose leaf & 45 tea bags. For now they are a high grade recyclable plastic so please reuse & recycle them responsibly.
  • By switching to loose leaf tea you're not only saving the planet from more packaging but you're getting a great cup of tea.  If you're new to loose leaf tea, fear not.  We have  100% plastic-free self-fill teabags with drawstrings for you to create your brew.
  • We have always had plastic free, fully biodegradable pyramid tea bags.  They are made from Soilon which is a material derived from cornstarch.  The teabags are unbleached and ultrasound is used to attach the string and the unlaminated paper tag rather than an adhesive.  In the interests of full transparency, our teabags are compostable but not categorised as 'home compostable' as it takes more than 30 days for the decomposition to happen.

eteaket in the press


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