Tea of the Month

Tea of the Month

Due to the fantastic success of our Darling Darjeeling we have unfortunately run out!! But fear not we have another fantastic Tea of the month ( a personal favourite with more than 1 member of our team!) the decadantly delicious…Chocola-Tea

This has to be a combination from the Gods! The sweetness of the chocolate blends beautifully with this Ceylon tea, add a dash of milk and a spoonful of sugar and it’s heaven in a cup!

Find out more here
https://www.eteaket.co.uk/teaboutique/info_A15.htmlDue to the fantastic success of our Darling Darjeeling we have unfortunately run out!! But fear not we have another fantastic Tea of the month ( a personal favourite with more than 1 member of our team!) the decadantly delicious… Chocola-Tea

This has to be a combination from the Gods! The sweetness of the chocolate blends beautifully with this Ceylon tea, add a dash of milk and a spoonful of sugar and it’s heaven in a cup!

Find out more here