Wellness with eteaket & Carole McMurray

iced tea v cold brew

Wellness with eteaket & Carole McMurray

On the 1st of November we hosted our latest Wellness with eteaket event. We were joined by Carole McMurray who is a regular in our Tea Room but is also an expert in Primordial Sound Meditation. This month we tasted Silver Needle, Orange Oolong Supreme and of course our Limited Edition Pumpkin Chai.

The tea tasting

Silver Needle 

Silver Needle is a delicate White Tea that is highly prized in China. Most White Tea is grown in China but we are seeing other tea growing nations producing good White Tea. Silver Needle is rare because it is only the bud of the Camellia Sinensis plant. White tea is the least processed of all the teas which not only means it contains a high amount of anti-oxidants but is why it has such a delicate taste. We brewed the Silver Needle in one of our eteaket teapots. 

eteaket tea room people

Orange Oolong Supreme 

We jumped from one of the least processed teas to the most processed tea types. Oolongs often have a very complex taste and can be more like a black tea or more like a green tea. Our Orange oolong supreme is a firm favourite with our TEAm. They enjoy it in the morning or after dinner and praise it for it`s digestive qualities. We tasted this one hot and had a ‘here is one we made earlier’ moment with our Orange Oolong cold brew.


For the cold brew we simply:

  • Brewed 1 perfect measure of Orange Oolong and 1 perfect measure of Cranberry and Apple into cold water.
  • Left the tea to brew over the course of the day.
  • Drained the tea and enjoyed!

Limited Edition Pumpkin Chai

Our Limited Edition Pumpkin Chai Black Tea has been so popular we just had to let everyone try it! We made it into a Pink Spiced Chai Latte. You can get that recipe here. We used Soya Milk, beetroot powder, Pumpkin Chai (cold brewed) and a squeeze of honey. It was so creamy and makes a  lovely treat for this time of year.


Pumpkin chai tea lifestyle

After all the tea we passed over to Carole.

Carole McMurray – Primordial Sound Meditation Expert

Carole McMurray has been a regular in our Tea Room for the past ten years. She trained in California and Ireland with Deepak Chopra. He taught her about Primordial Sound Meditation. There are many ways to meditate which we discussed. Primordial Sound Meditation though focuses on learning a mantra. The mantra could be related to the hour, day and year you were born or you could use a more universal mantra.

You should sit in silence, with your eyes either closed or open and repeat the mantra in your head (not out loud). Carole taught us that the optimum time for meditation is 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. You could sit on your favourite chair or on the floor. Just try not to cross any part of your body or lie down.

The biggest thing I took away from Carole’s talk was ‘not to be to hard on yourself ‘. Don`t expect yourself to be perfect on your first try. Meditation is a practice which means it will take time and you will keep learning as you go.

Thank you Carole for teaching us about Primordial Sound Meditation.

The next Wellness with eteaket event. 

Our next event is on the 13th of December. It will be our final one for 2018 (where has the time gone?) We are excited to have Deborah Hathorn, a renowned Ikebana expert, teaching us the art of traditional Japanese flower arranging in our Concept Store.  You’ll learn how to make miniature festive floral decorations so you can wow all your friends over the festive period.

Where: eteaket Concept Store, 111 Rose St, Edinburgh EH2 3DT

When: 13 Dec, 6-8pm

>>Secure free ticket on eventbrite<<.

Sophie xx