Wellness with eteaket & My Ayurveda Scotland
This month we had the pleasure of learning about Ayurveda from Louise Dodds. Louise is one of the only Ayurvedic specialists in Scotland. Her talk was both life changing and mind blowing. We started with tea. This month we tasted, Lemon and Ginger, Cranberry and Apple and Chillaxin’ Chamomile. Louise had tried all of these teas and picked them out specifically to match one of the three doshas (I will get to these soon).
The teas we brewed up:
Lemon and Ginger
Louise explained that Lemon and Ginger is great first thing in the morning. The detoxing effects of Ginger and Lemon help to slowly wake your body up and get everything moving. Louise explained that Lemon and Ginger is great first thing in the morning. The detoxing effects of Ginger and Lemon help to slowly wake your body up and get everything moving.

Chillaxin’ Chamomile
Chamomile is known for its powerful relaxing properties which is why many of us drink it before bed. Louise said that Chamomile can help keep Vata types grounded and settled. It could help you drift of faster and have a more restful sleep. We made this one on our glowing tea Syphon.
My Ayurveda Scotland – Louise Dodds

You are born with a dosha and this helps to shape the way you look and the type of personality you have. Sometimes you may be two or all three doshas, but your natural dosha can become out of balance, resulting in health issues. Louise can tell which dosha you are by talking to you and getting to know you. She can also read your pulse. Your seventh (bottom) pulse is the dosha you were born with. The top one is the one in which you are today. There are three dosha’s:
Ayurveda can help a whole range of ailments and can even help anxiety. Once you know which dosha you are, Louise can give you a list of foods which suit your type of dosha. Sticking to these foods can help your body be at its best and keep a regular weight. Once you have these tools, they can help you for life. Louise can also perform, Ayurvedic massage. There are lots of different types and they cover a range of different things.
Our future Wellness Events
Hear about them first by following our facebook page, instagram page or twitter page (@eteaket). Tickets are free but always limited. If you are a health or wellness specialist and would like to share your passion with others please send us an email to [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.
Sophie xx